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Salad bouquet

Beautiful colourful salads always brings a very specific image to my mind; I picture a table filled with the abundant bounty of God, I picture a table overflowing with bright coloured vegies, leaves, fruits, an artwork, a feast. ) I think about the complete nourishment we get from plants, and the rich lively colours, tantalising both eyes and taste buds.

The phrase from scripture that comes to my mind, describing this table is “The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof”- Psalm 24-1. As we observe and celebrate easter, as part of our food journey, I wanted to create an expression of this beautiful rich bounty, served in its most basic form and yet expressing the beauty of the bounty.

I was inspired by a post I once saw and this creation is what transpired. Both beautiful and delicious… I call it a Salad Bouquet.

It is easy and fun to make, and the outcome is spectacular and delicious!

  • Irene Margolis

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  • 1.Cut cucumber with a peeler into long flat strips, until soft part – use that for another salad. Take 1 pc at a time, lay flat dab with paper towelling to remove moisture.
  • 2.Cut meltme in thin long strips 4 cm x ½ cm
  • 3.Spread generous amount of cream cheese on the entire length
  • 4.Add your choice of ingredients - Meltme, veggies, herbs, krauts etc. Roll up very tightly.

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  • 1 – 2 large english cucumbers
  • 1 punnet asparagus
  • 1 big punnet microgreens
  • 1 bag of broccolini
  • 1/2 block Irene's Meltme Cheese
  • 1 punnet dill
  • Irene's Sauerkraut / Kimchi / Eastern Delight (we also tested out an upcoming addition – our red kraut)